Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Last Darwin LSR

Today my goal was to do between 30-35km. I set off when the sun was still rising and it was lovely to start running. I must admit my diet the last few days has not been ideal and I did feel a bit ill as the run continued, so the chocolate last night.. not a good plan! LOL

I got to 13km and there were issues with the path from then on so I had to turn around. I was pretty disappointed!! I knew that if I turned around there was no way I would do the additional 4km as I would be too tired... and like I thought I just had no energy left in the tank. It was really hot by the time I got to 20km, and I struggled from then on til I finished.

I am pretty happy with the time though considering I was struggling. I know it will be tough to meet my goal of 5hrs though if I am struggling like today in Paris... saying that though I just want to finish! I also had a toilet stop and several water stops this morning too.. which is also likely to happen in Paris!

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget that it will be a lot cooler in Paris too. I don't know how you run in Darwin heat.
