Monday, April 13, 2015

Warrior Operation Transformation - 8 Week Challenge

I am so excited to be starting this challenge!! This morning I went to the introductory session. Our weight and measurements were taken and before pictures! I didn't get a copy of my before pic but hopefully at the end I might be able to get a copy of my before and after pics so I have them for comparison! I was pretty happy with my stats since it is so soon since I had Declan. I have around 6kg to lose to get back into my healthy weight range, and I am already in the average range for body fat.

Start weight = 74kg
Goal weight = 66kg

My goals for the challenge are to:

1. Lose weight - goal is to lose at least 6kg to get to 68kg which is the top of my healthy weight range. I am really hoping I get to 66kg so then I only have a few more kg to go after that to get to my happy weight that I can easily maintain.

2. Lose inches - I want to get leaner - So even more so than weight I want to get leaner and fit into my old clothes!!

3. Lose bodyfat - My body fat was measured at 30% - and the average body fat % for women is between 25-31%, so I am just in the average range. My goal is to get into the fit range which is 19-25%. Even 24.9% I would be really happy with!

4. Improve my running and endurance - Since I have so many runs planned for this year I of course want this challenge to help with my endurance, fitness and running. I am sure it will - but this is a goal as well so I keep it in mind!

So Day 1 involved the intro session as I wrote above. It was fantastic. It really motivated me to think about food using the knowledge I have as well as the documentation the coaches from the challenge gave me. I have 1800 calories per day to eat since I am breastfeeding - thank goodness!

After dinner tonight my children, a lovely friend and I went for a 3km walk around Straits Quay here in Penang and it was lovely except it started to storm, so at the end we had to sprint back to the shopping centre to avoid the downpour! It showed we need to walk a bit earlier - so next time we meet up we will walk before dinner! Straits Quay is lovely for anyone wanting to visit Penang!

I'll be checking in every 2 weeks with an update!

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