Sunday, April 12, 2015

Healthy Lifestyle..

Since I have had Declan I must admit our eating habits have been a little bad, and we haven't been terribly active which I guess is part and parcel with having a new baby! Now he is 8 weeks old it is time to step things up, and we have all agreed as a family that we are going to be healthier, and more active.

So as such, I am taking part in "Warrior Operation Transformation" which is an 8 week bootcamp program starting tomorrow with Warrior Boot Camp here in Penang. It basically encompasses 8 weeks of unlimited Bootcamp sessions, personalised assessments, nutritional guidance and diet planning. Tomorrow morning I have the first session which is where we do our initial measurements and weigh in and find out all the info. I am pretty excited!! Here is the brochure and details.

So since I am doing this program we decided as a family that it would be good to try to get the whole family healthier and fitter in 8 weeks. So some of the little things we will be doing are:

* Lunches will be packed everyday for school - which will be all healthy foods - so berries / yoghurt for morning tea, protein & salad wraps for lunch and a piece of fruit of the last break. I will make some healthy snacks to include - home made muesli bars / bliss balls etc as well.
* Each night we will be having salad / veggies with some sort of protein - either chicken, fish, pork etc. No packaged foods at all.
* Each night we will be doing a family walk. If the weather is terrible I will find something for us to do inside.. either a fun game on the XBOX that is active or the kids can do a fun exercise DVD with me. I am going to ensure we are active EVERYDAY. It is so tough living in an apartment for 3 pre-teen kids. They want to be active, but it can be difficult.. so it is up to us as their parents to make sure we give them the opportunity.
* When school returns they will be doing 3 sports a week for after school activities, as well as their normal swimming lessons. One of those after school sports will hopefully be swimming as I would like them to do even more swimming.
* I am going to ensure I get them to the pool on Saturday and Sunday to wear off some energy and get out of the apartment. It is so easy for me to have them stay inside, especially with Declan, but it is not the best thing for them. So even if Declan is sleeping I will make sure one of us takes them down for a swim.

The kids are pretty excited about walking every night so we are heading to a Sports shop tomorrow that is quite cheap to buy some new sports clothing so they feel and look the part! It is after all how you look according to my children!

I will be posting each day what food we are eating and all about our progress starting tomorrow!

Wish us luck!!

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