Thursday, July 10, 2014

We are moving!

We have been waiting on news as to where we are moving to at the end of the year for ages! I have been quite anxious and impatient which I shouldn't have been as it doesn't make the decision makers decide where we are off to any faster! So yesterday BJ rang me at around 9am to tell me he had received an email and we are moving to Penang, Malaysia at the end of the year, and will be staying there for 3 years. This was our number 1 choice and I had done a ton of research into Penang - schools, housing options (even though we are allocated housing with no choice, I wanted to see what kind of accommodation other families in our industry are housed in), and of course restaurants/shops etc. It looks amazing. I have been told by so many people that it is a great place but it can be like Darwin. You either love it or hate it. I am not going to be working for 3 years there (there is potential for work, but I am going to see how I go first and prioritise the children & family over my work so that we can all be settled and happy), so am keen on getting into the whole lady of leisure lifestyle!

Over the next 6 months I will be sharing information as we decide on housing, schools etc and once we get to Penang I will be reviewing everything we do so that future expats have somewhere to go to look for information. I have been lucky in just over 24 hours a few Facebook friends have passed on details of friends of theirs in Penang and I have been chatting to them. They have been really helpful and given me lots of things to start googling, and also helped me out with some boring admin stuff which I am happy to know so I can help BJ with it. Since admin is my area at work it is kind of good to be able to help BJ at home to make sure we are all organised!

I thought I'd share some pictures of Penang I found on the internet to whet your appetites! I can't wait to get there.. We just worked out we have 22 weeks until our children finish school here for the year on 12 December, and it is likely that we will be moving around that time.. so 22 weeks seems like a long time, but when you are preparing to move overseas and sell your cars, uplift your whole life it isn't all that long!

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