How far along:
16 weeks
Baby growth:
Baby Murray is now about the size of an avocado (11.6 centimetres long from crown to rump and weighing 100 grams).
Feeling great this week. I have had a few twinges on the back of my upper legs which I hope is not the start of sciatica!
Total weight gain/loss:
I've been really good this week and weight gain is now sitting at 5.7kg total.
Maternity clothes?
Wearing them and larger clothes non stop! I am all for comfort.
Stretch marks?
See previous weeks comments - since it's baby no. 4 no chance of escaping!
Have been sleeping well this last week.
What I miss:
My little clothes LOL
Still feeling "bubbles" but no kicks yet!
Exercise this week:
I've done 2 x 5km runs and 2 x 5km walks. Going to do another walk tomorrow morning, and probably on Friday morning too. Planning on doing a stairs session or Park Run on Saturday morning too.
Food cravings:
Veggies this week which is a good sign.
Have you started to show yet:
Definitely! In some things though I just look like I have been eating a bit of chocolate LOL!
No idea - will know at our next scan which is 24 September, I can't wait!
Questions or concerns this weeks:
Baby Buys:
I have been checking out the Buy Swap & Sell pages on Facebook and was stoked to get some really good bargains. They were as follows:
Brand New Grotime Patsy Bassinet for $150 (RRP $250)

Brand new still in the box Fisher Price Rainforest Cradle Swing for $120 (RRP $249).

So pretty happy with my purchases!!!
I am heading to Target tomorrow to pay some money off my baby lay-by, and hopefully lay-by a High chair if the one I want is there. I really like the look of the Childcare Fizz High Chair, as it is basic, and has removable pad which I love.. as I remember how disgusting our highchairs got with the twins - so the simpler and easier to clean the better. It is also a bargain price at only $39. This is the one I am after:

I have also managed to find the capsule I am after on the buy swap sell website which has only been used for a few months (but still in as new condition) for $200 (which is amazing as RRP is $450), so just have to wait for the seller's new carseat to arrive, and I will pick it up. This is the carseat I am after, as it fits onto my Bugaboo Cameleon which will be such a novelty compared to my semi trailer pram and old capsules with the twins, and Isabel.

I have been looking at what carseat to get for the baby for after the capsule. This one looks great and is on sale at Target this week for only $149.

I would also love a Glider and ottoman for the nursery, so have been looking for them... not sure if I will actually use it, as we had one with the twins I never used. Thinking with only one baby I might be more inclined to use it!